【世界最安】OffSec Training 10%OFFキャンペーン by CODE BLUE 2024

世界的に権威のある実践的トレーニングプログラム『OffSec Training』が、2024年11月にCODE BLUEにより開催されます。
開催自体が希少な『OffSec Training』ですが、更に今回は対象コースが世界最安となる10%OFFキャンペーンをご案内。
- ・OffSec PEN-200 日本語での開催は初
- ・OffSec PEN-300 スペシャルオファー付(※)
- ・OffSec WEB-300 スペシャルオファー付(※)
- ・OffSec EXP-401 日本初開催
- ※スペシャルオファー
(1) 半年間、無制限にコースとコンテンツへアクセス可能(ラボへのアクセスが半年間、半年間なら何度でも受験可能)
(2) PEN-103、PEN-210の受験バウチャー付き
内容:全コース10%OFF ※早割との併用可
割引コード:offsec2024_std ※有効期限:10/31まで
会場:ワイム貸会議室 高田馬場
『OffSec Training』は特にアジア圏では開催頻度が少ない為、今回の貴重な機会をお見逃しなく!
- https://codeblue.jp/2024/training/offsec2024.html から希望のトレーニングを選択
- トレーニング申し込みへ進む
- チケット購入を選択
- 枚数を選択し、チケットを購入をクリック
- 情報入力欄で割引コードを入力
- 購入完了

English translation
[World’s Lowest Price] OffSec Training 10% OFF Campaign by CODE BLUE 2024

An incredible opportunity for those aiming to become experts in vulnerability assessment and penetration testing!
The globally renowned practical training program ‘OffSec Training’ will be held by CODE BLUE in November 2024.
‘OffSec Training’ is rarely held, but this time we are offering an Early Bird + 10% OFF campaign, making the target courses the cheapest in the world.
Don’t miss this valuable opportunity!
Target Courses
- ・OffSec PEN-200 - First time held in Japanese
- ・OffSec PEN-300 - With Special Offer (*)
- ・OffSec WEB-300 - With Special Offer (*)
- ・OffSec EXP-401 - First time held in Japan
* Special Offer
(1) Unlimited access to courses and contents for six months (Access to labs for six months, can take exams as many times as you want within six months)
(2) Includes exam vouchers for PEN-103 and PEN-210
- Normally, access to the lab environment is for 90 days, with one exam voucher.
- Re-examination policy: The second exam can be taken 2 weeks after the first exam date, and the third and subsequent exams can be taken 4 weeks or more after the previous exam date.
10% OFF Campaign
Details: 10% OFF on all courses
Discount Code: offsec2024_std *Expiration Date: Until 10/31
Event Overview
Date: Saturday, November 9 to Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Venue: Waimu Rental Conference Room, Takadanobaba
‘OffSec Training’ is rarely held, especially in Asia, so don’t miss this valuable opportunity!
<For participants from outside Japan>
November in Japan is a comfortable season with beautiful autumn leaves to enjoy. Please take this opportunity to visit Japan and enjoy learning and sightseeing.
How to Use the Discount Code
- Select your desired training fromhttps://codeblue.jp/2024/en/training/offsec2024.html
- Proceed to training registration
- Select to purchase tickets
- Choose the number of tickets and click purchase tickets
- Enter the discount code in the information field
- Complete the purchase